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Engineering Projects Update- September 2019

Andre Monnot, P.E.

Engineering Report for September:

Sewer Rehabilitation Program:

  • Gravity Collection Rehabilitation Project contract will be executed within several days, construction expected in 60 days. Low bid is at approx. $2.4 M (estimated cost was $3.0 M), allowing for either cost savings, or expanded rehabilitation limits.

  • Lift Station Rehabilitation Project is 70% design complete, opinion of construction cost remains within $1,799,700 budget.

  • Same as last report:

  • Construction contingency of $100,900 is held in reserve (expect to spend in the gravity collection rehab project).

  • Utility GIS website is complete and operational. When parcel data is complete, consultant will schedule training with Town and make website public.

  • Pearl St. Lift Station Force Main has been approved by LA Dept. of Health, and is ready for construction

Harrison Extension:

No change. Corps of Engineers Jurisdictional Determination received. Much of alignment is considered wetland, as expected.



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